Robot Eyeballs

Published February 11, 2013 by TechTalkwBattyeyes

Robot Eyeballs

It’s finally happened. The world is finally coming closer to helping the blind see.

An it’s all thanks to modern technology and bionic eyes. The eyes are not fully regulated by the FDA but scientists estimate they will be soon.

So how do they work?

Well basically the bionic eyes consists of 60 electrodes that are placed in the retina and a mini camera is then fitted into a pair of glasses. The eyes are only beneficial to those who suffer from retinitis pigmentosa which is a genetic  disease where the retinas and photoreceptors degenerate. This disease affects nearly 100, 000 people in the U.S. alone.

In a clinical study of 30 completely blind people ages 28-77 everyone saw benefits from the bionic eyes, though it varied how much person to person. In some cases it improved only a little and in others they received amazing results allowing, the once completely blind person, to be able to read the news paper and a rare few were able to see in color!!!!

I can only hope that as technology in the healthcare field continues to advance that all diseases and sicknesses will be a thing of the past.

Happy 9th Birthday Facebook!!!

Published February 5, 2013 by TechTalkwBattyeyes

Happy Birthday Facebook…look what you’ve done.


Think about yourself waking up in the morning only to find your phone blank, no new texts, no new friend requests, and you have no idea what your friends are doing because this is a world where Facebook never existed.

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The Different Races of the Daggerfall Covenant in ESO!

Published February 2, 2013 by TechTalkwBattyeyes

This blog is essentially to explain to those that don’t know, what different races are in the Daggerfall Covenant in ESO online, and what their special talents are


The Daggerfall Covenant is essentially run by a merchant lord who was such a good politician that he won over the favor of the Kings of High Rock. He also won the Redguards favor by marriage , and won over the Orcs with a war treaty. His name then was changed to High King   Emeric.

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Virtual Wedding Rings<3

Published February 2, 2013 by TechTalkwBattyeyes

We all new it was only a matter of time that someone out there would invent this. As a female who has been in a committed relationship, without….ahem…the BIG commitment, I find myself constantly trying not on my married friends rings or looking at pictures of rings and holding them up to my finger I am stoked that now I will be able to see what many different ones look like without the eye strain!
And I can even show them to my boyfriend as a hint ;).

Okay so maybe the graphics are not great but its the idea that counts right?!?

Have a good day, ill be trying on rings ❤

The Beauty Modernist

The online world has made a world of difference in how we approach shopping in this day and age.  They don’t have your size or the color you wanted in the store?  No problem.  Just go home and with a few clicks the exact item you wanted all along, is in your hands.  On the commitment scale, certain purchases like a sweater or dress require far less of the “C” word, than say something like, diamond jewelry.  We’ve never ordered diamonds off of the internet but we’re probably right in assuming that they don’t come with a return receipt or mail back label.  GC Clark is taking the guessing game out of such high end purchases by creating a “ring try-on” app for your smartphone.  We think this is pretty genius!  They have taken the sizing guessing game out of the picture by creating an application that takes a picture…

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3D Clothes???

Published January 30, 2013 by TechTalkwBattyeyes

Iris van Herpen Couture SS13.

Technology and fashion. Although I do not find any of these outfits fashionable, or attractive, or in anyway practical to wear. I do find it incredibly interesting that these outfits were made possible through the use of new and advanced 3d printing technology. What do you think? Would you wear any of these outfits? How about for a valentine’s present? ; p

Regardless fashion and technology are my two favorite things and who would have known they could go hand in hand!!!


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